Use these simple interventions when you want to feel calmer, more grounded, and want to get back to being You.
Waking Up rewires your brain by allowing you to learn the path from a contracted, triggered place, to an empowered, safe place.
Using Quick Shake you'll feel alive in a calm, grounded way.
Belly Breathing gets you started noticing your breath and your body. When we breathe through our noses and into our bellies, it allows our body to know - all is well.
Sometimes we're so busy doing, doing, doing, that we forget about our body. Find Your Body helps you get back into your body. Other times we shut out and shut down parts of our body because of physical or emotional pain. Find Your Body helps you gently reconnect with your body and your Self.
Sigh of Relief feels so relaxing. Both the long exhale and the sound of the sigh send the signal to your brain - it's safe to relax.
This intervention is so easy and so powerful! It can be done anywhere since it's a gesture that many people do already. Add mindfulness and you have a valuable tool for bringing your body back into balance.
These interventions are taken from a body of work by Pamela Stokes called "Mindful Motion." They help your nervous system, your brain and your body to come back into balance. They are helpful for everyone, and can be especially healing for people who have experienced trauma of any kind.